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By registering in our Marketplace, you will be able to create your own personalized Store at no cost on our platform, where you will be able to sell your products directly to all customers, taking advantage of our technological, logistical, payment management, marketing and positioning advantages. You will be able to manage your store from your own desktop, including orders, products, commissions, payments, correspondence, carriers, and other functionalities.

By registering in our Ecommerce as a B2B Supplier, you can supply your products directly to us for a certain price and sales conditions so that they are sold on our platform, being our full responsibility all the necessary management for their commercialization and delivery in a timely manner and efficient to our customers. You will be able to manage stocks, products, commissions, discounts, payments, and other functionalities on your own desktop.

By activating your B2B Seller account in our store, you will be able to sell or recommend our products to your contacts and customers, obtaining sales commissions, credits, and other special purchase conditions. You can easily manage the status of your sales and your contacts orders, products and other features from your own desktop.

Customers can register in our Store as a B2B Buyer to make wholesale and periodic purchases of products, obtaining price discounts, trade credits, and other special purchase conditions. You can easily manage the status of your orders, products, discounts, payments, correspondence, invoices and other features from your own desktop.



1 product


2 products
Pinturas Vitral

Pinturas Vitral

2 products
Prime One

Prime One

1 product


3 products
Transporte 1250

Transporte 1250

2 products


2 products